Friday, March 7, 2008

Ready to pull my hair out

So Lo and I are leaving in like four days to go to MI, hopefully we will catch the birth of my god-daughter. We were going to leave on sun night but Ed decided to stay in town for the space shuttle launch and got us security clearence to go up to the press box for launch. Even though im not a huge space fan this is really a rare chance so we are going then i guess continuing on to MI from there. Really not looking forward to another 24 hour drive but i am looking forward to being there. Im not sure yet if im telling any of my family other than Dorrie that im coming in. That just adds a whole nother set of obligations.
Im getting antsy to leave, things with Ed havent been great either and I know that isnt helping. Ive been generally short tempered lately, worse than I normally am which is really bad for me. I know ive taken it out on both Ed and Lo and its not fair to them. Lo is a hell of alot more understanding then Ed on that. After we leave on Tues it will be two weeks before I see Ed again. I think this is a good thing, I need some air and I need to figure out a plan of action for myself. I need to start something or get a job, anything to keep me busy, boredom is avery dangerous thing for me. Ive learned that lesson on more than one occassion recently and it picking me up some bad habits, like i need anymore.

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