Thursday, November 29, 2007

Health Insurance Paid

I mananged to get enough together for my health insurance, thats it though, I am completely broke and there is only a quarter tank of gas in the car. I tried hitting up people for work but that was a fairly fruitless effort as well. Im so close to asking Ed to deposit some money in my account, I dont want to if I can at all help it but its between asking him or asking the other and I really dont want to deal with him. I asked him for work and he has nothing. I am weighing the consequences of asking Ed. I know he would do it but its my pride that holding me back. I dont know if I could face him after that, he already left me the cash for my health insurance before he left and that was gone in a week. The phone bill was 100 then stuff for the cats and gas and everyday living and I still barely covered health insurance and I wouldnt have had it at all if Lo hadnt paid rent in cash. I still have to talk to him about that. Damn these stupid addictions, they are leaving me in a spot I never wanted to be in and always said I wouldnt be in. I really have no more options as far as cash goes, I already cashed in my change and my savings is tapped I think there is maybe three dollars in it. I am out of options as far as cash goes. Fuck I really dont know what Im going to do.

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