Monday, December 24, 2007

You Know You Have ADD When...

-You know you have ADD have mastered the art of making piles
-You know you have ADD're reading a web page about ADD, but you can't focus long enough to read what it says!
-you find your keys on the lawn when the snow melts
-You know you have ADD have replaced the entire contents of your wallet at least twice
-You know you have ADD're adding submissions instead of doing your research
-You know you have ADD when...You know you have ADD when you have misplace your coffee three times in the same morning, and each time its in a different cup.
-You know you have ADD lose your glasses...and they were on your face the entire time.
-You know you have ADD when...When...wait. What was I writing about again?
-You know you have ADD can talk to someone for 15 minutes and not remember what the other person said, let alone what you said.
-You know you have ADD went to college four times, had seven majors, and have no degree because you never finished!
-You know you have ADD are channel-sufring on TV, with an open book on your lap that you are highlighting in two colors while listening to music, playing with the cat and talking on the phone, when your partner enters the room to ask a question and you get annoyed at the interruption!
-You know you have ADD when...your IQ is 100 time greater then your attention span
-You know you have ADD can't organize your own stuff, but it makes you crazy to be around other people's chaos and messy disorganization.
-You know you have ADD are only attracted to those loud "alpha-males" with so much charisma, but you can't stay with them 'cause you both need a wife to pick up the loose ends so you keep breaking up and getting into the same scene again.
-You know you have ADD when...You have 3000 bookmarks in your browser.
-You know you have ADD try to fix one line in a program and end up redesigning the whole system.
-You know you have ADD realize the dinner you put in the microwave yesterday must be done by now.
-You know you have ADD when...You read all these unfortunate behaviors and realize they describe you
-You know you have ADD when...everyone driving too slow is a slug, and everyone driving faster than you is an idiot!
-You know you have ADD have pleanty of great ideas, and no motivation to do anything with them.
-You know you have ADD own a timer, a pocket organizer, and a note pad, but not really sure where there at.
-You know you have ADD when...someone just gave you a phone number 5 times, but as soon as you pick up the handset, you dont know what to dial.
-You know you have ADD have to check back to the phone book a thousand times before you sucessfully dial the correct number.
-You know you have ADD ask the same thing 3 time in an hour because your not sure if you ever asked the question.
-You know you have ADD when...suddenly you realize somebody has been talking to you and you don't have a clue what they said.
-You know you have ADD're introduced to a person and you forget their name before the handshake is over
-You know you have ADD have more books than the local library, you haven't read many of them, yet you still spend more money on them than on food.
-You know you have ADD when...most ( if not all) of your mail is still unopened...
-You know you have ADD when...You hide your dirty dishes in the oven from unexpected guests and then melt them the next day when you preheat the oven for cookies!
-You know you have ADD when...You watch a terrific movie, but the next day you cant even remeber what it was about....or who played in it....

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