Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Passed the crazy phase?

Ed has been home for about four days now. Things are actually better. I started running again, it feels good. I havent started smoking again and its been two weeks and as far as the other well im working on getting it to a managable level. Im getting into more of a routine which is helpful. Ed and I have been doing well, he isnt leaving til late saturday, thats a long consecutive stretch for him. We havent fought so far and I really am trying hard to keep it that way. He has been really busy but I've been keeping busy to, between working out and doing the work for Ed Jr.'s house. Its really essential for me to find something to do and keep me occupied, that really is the key to my happieness.
The adderall is working well for me but in the back of my mind im still thinking about how im gonna feel when I have to stop. I am down to just one triavil and a klonopin later in the day and the adderall in the morning. I am only eating like once a day but I eat a good amount then so I dont think im doing to bad. I am losing weight though which im happy about, ten or fifteen more pounds and I think I will be where I want to be. I've seen alot of improvement in my heart rate and running just in the three days I have been running regularly with one day break in between. Already running two miles a day is a good start I think, I cant wait til I am running up to five miles a day again, and comfortable running in a sports bra again.
Talking to the doctor I am making improvements, the biggest right now being quiting smoking and starting to work out. One thing at a time and im feeling better already.

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