Monday, January 21, 2008


Success for last night, even though it was almost 3 am before it finally got here. Did half yesterday and finished off the other half tonight. It wasnt really great so im not craving it. I just want better shit, overall. Doc appointment tomm, going to try to get the adderall IR for the afternoon and the XR in the morning. Sleeping wont be hard tonight since I only got about 2 hours sleep and thats through the last couple days. I hope things work out with the doc, that would really make me happy but I need to be careful with it too. Either way he needs to raise the XR dose because it just isnt enough to get through the day without being severly off track or just not getting anything done. I guess we will have to will have to wait and see what happens. I am still foraying into my recreational stage, money is a dangerous thing to have at this time. So is someone who has the desire to feel the same way you want too.
Misery loves company even though misery is the opposite of what I am trying to accommplish for myself.
Losing weight, not sure which drug is responsible for that but thats not necessarily what I would call a negative side effect.
I think I would like to get the 30mg XR rather than the 25mg I was originally thinking about. Then again I shouldnt take any more than I have to to stay on task or I am going to a tolerance to quikly and its down the rabbit hole I go... Or am I already half way down the hole?

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