Friday, January 25, 2008

Adderall 30 mg XR

So I started taking the 30mg XRs today, a couple days late thanks to insurance. A little much at first, I definetely felt jittery and got a little panicky at times. Overall it has improved my focus though I think, this is day one so just going by my productivity today. I had some very minor and fleeting chest pains today, it made me a little nervous but I figure you cant expect no effect from a drug like this. I was a little more chilled out, kind of in that focused contented way, hard to explain except to say that it was the opposite of being restless. At the same time I felt that low thresh hold of frustration that is typical of my adderall experience. I really need to focus on that and the ability to identify it and keep my mouth shut and calm myself before saying anything.

The thought briefly crossed my mind that raising this dosage to the theraputic effect is going to lead to more problems with stopping it, and inevitably it will have to be raised again. I think I was on the 20mgs for over a year now, granted that was with my self imposed vacations from it. The urge to smoke is there with this higher dose but so far it hasnt been uncontrollable. It is lessening the crazy impulsiveness which for my health and sanity is a good thing. Not sure how easy it will be to sleep tonight, not drinking so that will possibly help the quality of my sleep but not necessarily how much of it I will get. I was pretty tired last night but that was after a bottle of wine too.

Weight is dropping fairly rapidly, I really dont have an interest in food, my stomach growls every now and then but the desire to eat isnt there. I need to start getting into the habit of eating in the morning before I take the adderall, of course cutting out the red bull couldn't hurt either. When I do eat I try to make it as healthy as possible at least.

The more I read on Adderall the more concerned I am about side effects. I should know better than to assume that its safe just because it comes out of a pharmacy. I've felt my heart go tacky for a beat or two a couple times, im hoping thats something that will go away with time, as my body adjusts to it. If the anxiousness doesnt get any better than I will start taking one more triavil a day or elavil at least. I read up on the perphenazine, with is the other ingrediant in the triavil. I cant believe I was still throwing up on that, its pretty powerful stuff and seems to have alot of CNS effects so I would rather not take it if I dont have to. I read up a little on elavil too, taking that by itself will help with the anxiety, im not sure whats better, that or xanax. Not getting to that panicky craziness i've been in before so I will try one or the other or both. The klonopin and one triavil a day have kept me pretty balanced but that was with the 20mg we will see with the 30mgs. I still feeling a tad shaky but that has to do with not eating im sure.

Overall, we will have to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did u feel like u were goign to throw up at all or like u drank to much water on your first day of taking it?

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